Sustainability Certifications in the supply chain of your products are important because only then you can be sure that lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam augue ipsum, gravida ut augue in, iaculis aliquet sem. Sed nec urna vel tellus pretium tincidunt nec vitae tellus. Quisque at eros gravida, mollis sem pulvinar, consequat elit. Mauris id enim eget massa porttitor suscipit. Vestibulum sed ligula viverra, volutpat sapien sit amet, viverra nisi.

amfori BSCI

BSCI is an initiative of the Foreign Trade Association (FTA), the leading business association of European and international commerce that brings together over 1,500 retailers, importers, brands and national associations to improve the political and legal framework for trade in a sustainable way. BSCI support more than 1,500 FTA member companies to integrate social compliance at the heart of their global supply chains.


Sedex is a membership organisation that provides one of the world’s leading online platforms for companies to manage and improve working conditions in global supply chains. We provide practical tools, services and a community network to help companies improve their responsible and sustainable business practices, and source responsibly.

RMC Blue

A finished product labelled with the RMC Blue logo carries the following assurances: It ensures that part of the product, in surface area or weight, is made from recycled material. The minimum acceptable amount of recycled material is 5% of the overall finished product.